Protecting health, protecting workers

RGA Overview

Malaysia is the world’s largest producer of rubber gloves. The industry relies heavily on foreign migrant workers, who are vulnerable to forced labor during their recruitment and employment.  The Responsible Glove Alliance (RGA) is a collective effort established by purchasers and producers of rubber gloves from Malaysia that aims to protect workers and reduce the risk of forced labor.  RGA members commit to continuous improvement through the implementation of extensive due diligence and responsible recruitment practices within their owned facilities, supply chains, and worker recruitment channels. 

The RGA is an initiative of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA). The RGA and its members work together and with key stakeholders to try to identify, mitigate and prevent conditions that contribute to forced labor, and participate in remediation where appropriate, through the application of international standards and due diligence approaches aligned with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP). Working in a pre-competitive, collaborative environment allows for consistent application of these standards in a more expedient and effective manner.

RGA Due Diligence Process

All RGA members commit to establishing processes for ongoing due diligence within their supply chains and recruitment partners, as set out by the OECD Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct to identify, prevent or mitigate the adverse impact of forced labor on workers.

Freely Chosen Employment Standard

Freely Chosen Employment Standard

RGA members commit to the principles and standards outlined in the Freely Chosen Employment and other…

Identify and Assess

Identify and Assess

RGA members commit to conducting ongoing due diligence on their supply chains to ensure continuous improvement. For…



Members in the supplier category commit to remediate findings related to forced labor, including recruitment…



Following an audit, any findings related to non-conformance to the Freely Chosen Employment provisions…

Grievance Mechanism

Grievance Mechanism

RGA members that manufacture rubber gloves in Malaysia commit to the implementation of an external, independent,…

Communication and Reporting

Communication and Reporting

RGA members commit to fostering transparency and accountability for all stakeholders involved; and all…

Become a Member of the RGA

Membership of the RGA is open to:

  • All rubber glove manufacturers, and
  • All companies globally that purchase rubber gloves.

RGA membership provides members with tools and programming to: conduct due diligence at the employment site and with recruitment partners; promote responsible recruitment of migrant workers; incorporate worker engagement; and deliver remedy.

View membership benefits